nailKALM® Reviews
Sam* is 50 years old and has tried to clear the nail fungal infection on his toe for the last 4 years. Sam has tried many different treatments — all which had failed, until nailKALM®. The difference between before Sam started treatment for onychomycosis and two months post stopping treatment is incredible.
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No unpleasant odour! Low irritant and IT WORKS!
Tony* had a fungal nail infection for 10 years and after trying many different treatments, including strong oral medication that did not work, Tony turned to nailKALM®. It completely cleared his fungal nail infection and has kept it away nearly a year later.
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“Absolutely, quite an improvement using nailKALM®
Zoe* had a fungal nail infection that covered two thirds of her toenail. 4 weeks after using nailKALM® twice daily a scraping was taken and no live fungi were present. 2 months after treatment stopped, the damaged nail had grown out and had been replaced by a new healthy nail.
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