nailKALM® Reviews

“I have had persistent nail fungus in one nail for some time. I did not want to take the medication for fungus by mouth as then my doctor would have to check my liver functions, as the treatment is for 6 months and can affect the liver. This has worked really well — my husband bought it for me as it allowed me to wear nail polish while getting treatment. Cannot recommend it enough.”


Sam* is 50 years old and has tried to clear the nail fungal infection on his toe for the last 4 years. Sam has tried many different treatments — all which had failed, until nailKALM®. The difference between before Sam started treatment for onychomycosis and two months post stopping treatment is incredible.

*Changed for privacy reasons

No unpleasant odour! Low irritant and IT WORKS!

Days after I banged my big toe I noticed an usual light brown line forming at the base of the nail. After 2 weeks the nail was slightly yellowish and the brown line looked more like a bruise, indicating I just had fungus. Once I started using nailKALM®, within 2 weeks I could see the new growth coming through. It was looking very healthy! Meanwhile the old yellow nail has been growing out. As directed, I’ve continued to treat all my toenails. It’s been 8 weeks now and I am happy with the progress.

Anonymous (Google Review)

Tony* had a fungal nail infection for 10 years and after trying many different treatments, including strong oral medication that did not work, Tony turned to nailKALM®. It completely cleared his fungal nail infection and has kept it away nearly a year later.

*Changed for privacy reasons

“Absolutely, quite an improvement using nailKALM®


I had this nail infection for more than 10 years or even longer. I can swear by nailKALM®, having used a number of expensive and toxic preparations over many years, with never any real resolution. I have tried most of the available treatments. I even went through the medical program, including fungal culture by my GP to allow Authority PBS access to the expensive oral treatment. 3 months later, there was little improvement and I gave up.

JK (Melbourne)

Zoe* had a fungal nail infection that covered two thirds of her toenail. 4 weeks after using nailKALM® twice daily a scraping was taken and no live fungi were present. 2 months after treatment stopped, the damaged nail had grown out and had been replaced by a new healthy nail.

*Changed for privacy reasons

When you know nailKALM® is non toxic, even your feet can smile